Stories & Songs & Art
For the Love of Stories & Songs & Art
Exceptional Artists From Around the World
For booking, touring or other information about artists or programs contact:
Augie N'Kele, sculptor, Forgotten Heritage
Nigerian born, John Owhonda is a storyteller, lecturer and author. He has published two non-fiction books for juvenile readers, CONGO, and NIGERIA, A NATION OF MANY PEOPLES. He has also published a picture book for children titled MUSA THE MOUSE.
John is a contributor to HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN magazine and has earned multiple AUTHOR OF THE MONTH honors from that popular children’s magazine. He has published stories in the FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM and several Internet magazines.
Click on photos for more information
Doug Lang ~ Vancouver, British Columbia
Ben Bedford
Singer/songwriter Ben Bedford takes listener into the heart and soul of the subject. Great songwriting has always been able to do that of course, but sometimes we forget and it takes someone like Bedford to remind us of the magic...Dorothy Hamm
Folkwax gives Ben Bedford's newest album, Land of the Shadows, a 9 out of a possible 10 rating.
James van Loon, Sweden, England and the US
Author and Psychologist, Lecturer, Teacher

From the Forgotten Heritage collection